The Canyon Poets Feature T.A. Niles
Thu, Jun 16
|Online Poetry Event
Join us on Thursday for beautiful people and words.
Time & Location
Jun 16, 2022, 7:00 PM PDT
Online Poetry Event
About the Event
T. A. Niles was a seed planted in the Caribbean soil of Trinidad & Tobago on the cusp of the transformational 60s.
He was watered and fertilized in the gardens of Brooklyn, New York and Hartford, Connecticut throughout most of the bell-bottomed era of the 70s
He was forged in trials by fire in the US Marine Corps in the late 70s thru early 80s
Budded and bloomed in academia in the 80s and 90s, before his withering began at the turn of the 21st century.
Yet, before he falls from the stem, and is ground once more into dust, he hopes to feed a mind or two with morsels of his meanderings.
He comes to us from Mimbres, New Mexico- the latest stop on a life journey dotted with myriad landscapes.
For his recent foray into this community of poetry, T. A. credits the audiobook production of Hiram Larew’s most recent collection, Mud Ajar.
T. A. hopes that his poetic expressions will be balanced between, on the one side, his history, imagination, soaring flights and crash landings, his ambivalent relationship with language- and just about everything else- and, on the other side, your benevolent eyes, welcome-mat of ears, cosmic-sized mind, and authentic responses.
For more about T. A. visit his Poetic Expressions blog:
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Topic: The Canyon Poets
Thursdays at 7:00 PM PDT
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