The Canyon Poets Feature Brendan Constantine
Thu, Sep 09
Bring a poem and join us for a night of poetry and fellowship.

Time & Location
Sep 09, 2021, 7:00 PM PDT
About the Event
Please join the Canyon Poets on Thursday September 9th when we feature Brendan Constantine.
Brendan Constantine is a poet based in Los Angeles. His work has appeared in many of the nation’s standards, including Poetry, Best American Poetry, Prairie Schooner, Poetry Daily, Tin House, Ploughshares, Field, Virginia Quarterly, and Poem-a-Day. His most recent collections are ‘Dementia, My Darling’ (2016) from Red Hen Press and ‘Bouncy Bounce’ (2018), a chapbook from Blue Horse Press. A new book, ‘The Opposites Game,’ is on the way.
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Topic: The Canyon Poets Time: Thursdays, 7 PM PST
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